
Author: Isa F.

The gold flame has been choosen for Dior Paris and London Christmas 2022/23 foto

Glass meets Bronze Holy ….

Gaby Wagner has been invited to exhibit her project “Venice in Silence” at the Exhibition re-emerging Procuratie Vecchie, Venice Italy 1 March – 15 March 2024Read about the project: The exhibition in the website of press review link Read more…

Glass & Bronze, samples of unique pieces. The artist can work on order.

In the occasion of Venezia Photo at the island of San Servolo, my pictures have been requested and the the exhibition is on. Open to to public Monday to Friday 11.30 am – 5.30 pm. Line 20 from San Zaccaria Read more…

Book Shop “La Hune” and Caffé Stern Paris exhibition opened the 17th of November 2023 at the famous Book Shop “La Hune” and remained there for three month. Some of my pictures are shown also at the Caffé Stern which Read more…

During the coronavirus pandemic Gaby Wagner collected photographs captures the calm that has given Venice room to breathe and its treasures a chance to shine. article by Julia Vitale

FOTOGRAFIANelle immagini di Gaby Wagner la solitudine del lockdown «Il Coronavirus e il definitivo lockdown hanno trasformato Venezia da un giorno all’altro in una città fantasma. Era ancora splendente e bella, ma ora era deserta e le notti erano desolate Read more…

Dominique Vergnon presents the work of Gaby Wagner “Venice in Silence” Link to the article.